Business Ideas – How to find business ideas that work

Business ideas are easy to find, just Google it (I know you did…). But after reading through all those articles you still have not found anything that strikes a chord in you or sounds vaguely original. I know how you feel!

Whether you want business ideas for a new business or to grow an existing business, you want ideas that work! I will show you, for free, the single most powerful tool for finding business ideas destined for greatness.

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Business ideas, the tried and tested way

I know (from stats) that when most people are looking for business ideas, they Google the phrase “business ideas”. No big surprise yet…and if you do Google it (in South Africa) you will probably find that the top 3 results are:

  1. A – Z Easy Small Business Ideas | Entrepreneur
  2. 11 Uniquely South African Business Ideas | Entrepreneur
  3. Need a Business Idea? Here are 55 – Entrepreneur

Wow, awesome, loads of ideas at your fingertips. But consider this, 86% of people click on one of the first 3 search results and don’t go any further. That means that 86% of people are going to be doing 100% the same things, businesses that other people have already pioneered! Do you want to compete for market share with 86%?

Now you see why these ideas are likely to be hard work, for small market share? So how and where do you find really fresh, new business ideas that are guaranteed to work?

Business ideas that work!

Businesses that work, supply a need, that many people have.

I went to a talk by T. Harv Ecker who is a well known success coach and one thing he said that really stuck with me was this:

“If you are looking for business ideas, don’t look for solutions, look for problems.”

Meaning don’t look to see what someone else is already doing successfully & try to imitate that, rather look for a problem that many people are having. A problem presents an opportunity for an entrepreneur to provide a solution. And if you can solve the problem for one person, you can solve it for many.

So how do you know what many people are having a problem with?

The most powerful (& free) business ideas finding tool in the world

What do people do when they have a problem now? They “Google it”, it’s very simple. The best part is that Google makes all this information available, for free. That’s right, totally free. 15 years ago companies were spending hundreds of thousands on “market research” to find out this information. Now it is freely available to everyone.

The way to access it is simple. Just signup for an Adwords account which is free. Then find the “keyword planner” tool. That will show you what people are searching. How awesome is that!!!

So if you are ready to get started, why not head over to Google adwords & login. If you already have a Gmail account, you can use that to sign in. Otherwise, create one to register*. Then head for the keyword planner and happy searching/playing.

NB: If you would like to get some tips on how to use the keyword planner tool more effectively, then leave your name and email below.

I will send you a couple of emails over the course of the next few days (it’s the easiest way to deliver & process this information) on how to use the planner to find business ideas that are guaranteed to work. I will also give you some of my best tips on starting & growing a business, even if you are on a shoestring budget. And more…no spam, just more good ideas, I promise:)

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*Do not think twice about creating a Gmail account if don’t already have one, it is another powerful tool for small business. If you sign-up above I’ll tell you how to use Gmail effectively too…